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2017 jewel quest is a wonderful matching gems game, has a lot of entertainment with more than 300 refreshing levels. Turn the precious stone in a diamond blast , simple just by matching 3 or more of them. ⇑ 2017 jewel quest game play: Match 3 or more identical jewels to make a sweat jewellery crush saga.

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The gameplay, a mix of hidden object and swap, make the games extra fun to play. The storylines are very en Download Our App; Sign Up For Newsletters; Get The Newspaper; Contact Anchorage Daily News Jewel Quest: Seven Seas stays true to its roots - giving longtime Jewel Quest fans a “pure” jewel matching experience while delighting new players with jewel … Jewel Quest Solitaire III * 信息搜集自: WikiPedia , GiantBomb , GameFaqs , iGDB , MobyGames 等网站和资源 由喜爱 独立游戏 ,追求游戏乐趣的我们建立于 2013 年。 Jewel Quest Riches. If you’re a regular player of new casinos games, it’s likely that you will be familiar with a handful of companies that produce most of the slots. Every now and then, however, a much more underground development studio will rise up and deliver a hit slot.

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Jewel Quest: Seven Seas stays true to its roots - giving longtime Jewel Quest fans a “pure” jewel matching experience while delighting new players with jewel swapping tricks unique to this beloved series of games. Exciting new elements include new jewels to match, new tools and power-ups as well as a never-before seen Collapse-style mode! 宝石探秘 (Jewel Quest)硬盘版 ( 这款游戏的难度可是相当高的哦,需要考验你的眼力、智力、还有最重要的耐力。游戏从1-1到5-10,打完后还有翻版,大大增加了可玩性。 Jewel Quest is a popular match-3 puzzle game like candy or cookie puzzle games, crush to match three or more same jewels with magical effects. Jewel Quest Online puts you into a quest to unravel the mysteries of a Mayan civilization. Jewel Quest - MSN Games - Free Online Games Explore mysterious jungle ruins and create lines of three or more ancient relics to claim the Mayan gold.

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On a quest for a jewel called the Sleepless Star, Percy discovers that the jewel has been stolen from a Native American village by an unscrupulous jewel collector! Along with Percy and a beautiful Algonquin named Yellow Feather, travel to exotic locations on two continents and overcome dangers at every turn, in an effort to recover the jewel. 3dm宝石探秘6:蓝宝石龙游戏专区提供了宝石探秘6:蓝宝石龙中文版下载以及国内外第一手游戏资讯,详细的流程攻略,专业的汉化补丁,完善的修改器和超多有游戏mod等辅助工具。致力于给玩家一个良好的游戏环境,最佳的游戏体验。 2017 jewel quest is a wonderful matching gems game, has a lot of entertainment with more than 300 refreshing levels.

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You have to turn all spaces gold to win. Can you match the relics to solve all levels of this puzzle? Jewel Match King: Quest is amazing match-3 puzzle game, it makes you keep playing for FREE! Rescue a jewel fairy with wizard from witches! Catch a Jewel Star in Jewel temple adventure! Match your way to meet the wonderful in this puzzle adventure! Jewel King - … 10/5/2020 Jewel Quest is free to play, but some in-game items and extra moves can be bought to help you bump those match puzzles quicker.